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Point Of Sale softwares built here

You benefit from a powerful, secure and flexible system which is easy to operate. Your staff can concentrate on customers’ needs rather than the mechanics of transaction processing. Additionally, you reap the benefits of an integrated solution: elimination of double handling, enhanced visibility and increased data integrity.

Benefits of Easy POS
• Increase staff productivity by offering personalisation, simplified sign on and role based access to information;
• Win new business via superior customer service across multiple channels;
• Lower inventory costs by real-time collaboration with suppliers and partners;
• Real-time price updates and inventory availability;
• Business Intelligence tools such as POS Decision Support System to unlock spending trends;
• Auditing and security protection via event driven auditing;
• User defined transaction limits;
• Full lay-by control with warehouse facilities and storage tracking;
• Extensive reporting and store transaction visibility; Advanced tender tracking capability with real time gift voucher management.

• ACCOUNT: Here in are the details of report generated from accounts information.
• BILL & SALES: Two types of bills are provided. One in the name of Bill and other in the name of Sales. Bill contains all the information about the sale entry along with details of tax, excise and also concession provided to the concerned party. Similarly Sales does not provide all these information but it contains routine bill information about sales entry, which is needed for issue of routine bill for products where tax information is not to be provided to the party. So user can choose his requirement and use the bill as per need and item sold and details to be provided to the customer.
• CUSTOMER: Customer registration with details of relevant fields is provided
• LEDGER: All entries of ledger can be printed in this advice format which can be printed and provided to the concerned party.
• PRODUCT: Product registration with special features like minimum and maximum stock limits are to be recorded in this table. These readings are used to provide alerts when such limits are crossed during sale or purchase. Similarly Purchase Rate is amended every time when any purchase is made by bringing out average purchase Rate and such new purchase rate is stored in product table which is used in stock table to record purchase value of current residual stock at the end of any stock entry. Current stock position is maintained in product table, which can give stock position at any moment. Special feature like general concession scheme (%), when launched is recorded in this table and specific date up to which day concession is to be given is recorded here and this is applied automatically into each bill issued hereafter till such specified date.
• PURCHASE: Details of product purchased is to be registered. While entering purchase detail, present stock position and purchase price, sale price and taxrate is automatically brought from records. In new entry sale price and tax rate out of old record and new entry whichever is higher is recorded in the table. Purchase rate is amended by average of old purchase rate with that of new purchase rate and then new rate is recorded. Automatic entry transfer to ledger and stock record is effected and also current stock in product table is automatically amended.
• STOCK: Complete details of stock movements are automatically recorded in this table from sale and purchase entries. Here purchase rate and purchase value of residual stock at the end of each transaction is also recorded.
• SUMMARY: Summaries of stock movements between specific dates required by user can be prepared here by entering just dates and name of the product.
• SUPPLIER: Details of supplier with all relevant fields are recorded here.
• TAX: All details of tax, excise and concession granted to parties are recorded here automatically from sales records. Periodic summaries and totals required for tax returns are provided in query for any period required.

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